Grilled Peaches with Hazelnuts and Blue Cheese

Why does everyone have to keep talking about how summer’s almost over?

La la la la la!  This is me sticking my fingers in my ears and not listening.La la la la la!  These peaches are me sticking my fingers in my ears and not listening.  La la la–oh, mmmm.

Yep, it’s still summer.

Yes, you could serve these peaches for dessert.  (Or even, really, as a pre-dessert fruit-and-cheese course, if that’s how your family’s meals unfold.  And if it is, please invite me over.)  Or, yes, you can get away with serving them right alongside your dinner.  And yes, yes, you still have plenty of time to make them this summer.   La la la la la!

Grilled Peaches with Hazelnuts and Blue Cheese (thank you, Shutterbean!): Halve peaches and rub with olive oil.  Grill over moderate to high heat, cut side down first, for a few minutes on each side.  Drizzle with a syrupy balsamic reduction (you can make your own by simmering a good balsamic vinegar until it thickens), sprinkle with coarsely chopped roasted hazelnuts, and crumble a salty blue cheese onto the peaches.  Thinly slice a few basil leaves and scatter them over the peaches just before serving.

15 thoughts on “Grilled Peaches with Hazelnuts and Blue Cheese

  1. Hannah

    I just had grilled peaches for the first time last week and loved them and immediately wondered why I hadn’t I tried them before? Seeing yours now with blue cheese and balsamic vinegar has me drooling…on the menu for this weekend! I’m with you and savoring summer moments. Keep plugging your ears!

  2. StefanGourmet

    I’m going to extend my summer by flying to the USA next week to enjoy the national parks in the west. We’ve rented an RV so I expect lots of BBQ’ing on the grill that adorns each lot in most US campsites :-)

    I’ve never tried grilled peaches either, but is something I should try as I usually don’t care much for peaches (unripe or too messy). Everything is good with blue cheese, and I have just the dessert wine for this. It could be a pre-dessert cheese course and you’re definitely invited :-)

    1. emmycooks Post author

      The west like SEATTLE? You are cordially invited for a visit if you pass through town! If you mean some other, lesser, part of the west, well–that will be fun too. Enjoy! :)

      1. StefanGourmet

        No, not that far west. We’re going to Yellowstone and other national parks in that area. Thanks for the invite though, will definitely stop by when I am near Seattle and hope you will do the same when visiting Europe/the Netherlands!

  3. Heidi @ lightlycrunchy

    Yum! I love grilled peaches and think they would be amazing with blue cheese and hazelnuts.. and balsamic reduction. Wow, you have my mouth watering and it’s breakfast time.

    Don’t worry, we still officially have another month left of summer..

  4. kristina

    If you’re sad about summer being over, just think of all the great fall produce to come: apples, pears, quinces, ACORN SQUASH! I am so excited for fall, but in the meantime I think I can squeeze in a bit of grilled peaches :)

  5. Shut Up & Cook

    I totally agree! Summer doesn’t start until July in Seattle…so we’ve definitely got dibs on September. In fact…I think I’ll go swimming in the lake this weekend to prove it!

  6. Shira

    Bollocks on summer being over – hasn’t it just started? ;) (hehe) All this delicious food is just getting rolling…these peaches look amazing Emmy!


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