Celebrate Spring with a Canning Jar Coddled Egg

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I admit that, at first, I found Seattle a bit too grey. It took me a few years to stop minding the weather and learn to love soup. But that was more than a decade ago, before I realized that it doesn’t rain that much, and when the sun shines it’s incomparably gorgeous. And now I just think of Seattle as having five months of springtime. Starting today.

So happy springtime! Right on schedule, my hens laid their first two eggs of 2012, and when I poked around in the garden I found soft green herbs unfurling from hibernation. The first chives, tender parsley, tart sorrel, green onion shoots, mint. Lunch.

When I read this the other day, I couldn’t believe that it had never occurred to me to coddle an egg in a canning jar. (Is that weird? Really, I couldn’t believe it.) So, as I said, lunch.

To make a Coddled Egg in a Canning Jar, butter a wide mouth half pint canning jar. Crack in two eggs and season with a pinch of salt. I drizzled in a spoonful of cream because I had some in the fridge, then piled in the handful of chopped fresh herbs. You wouldn’t go wrong adding cheese instead of the cream (or, go crazy, use both), but I didn’t. Put the lid on the jar and place it in a pot. Fill the pot with water to just below the jar lid. Remove the jar from the water, bring the water to a simmer, put the jar back in, and simmer 12-15 minutes, depending on how well-cooked you want your yolks. (Think ahead of time about how you will lift the jar from the simmering water. I used a jar lifter, which I own for canning, but I’ve heard of people using tongs with the ends wrapped in rubber bands for traction. If you plan to use this method, you should probably try it first in cold water to make sure it seems safe.)

I love the idea of serving these for brunch with a toppings bar–label the lids with a Sharpie and let everyone assemble their own. With a few pots on the stove you could cook a lot of these at once. Serve with buttered toast.


11 thoughts on “Celebrate Spring with a Canning Jar Coddled Egg

  1. ceciliag

    I have never even coddled an egg, let alone in a jar! and i get about 16 eggs a day from my hens and because i do all my own preserving (we have a wee sustainable farm and grow as much of our own food as we can), i have lots of emptying jars. Thanks for the great idea! c

    1. emmycooks Post author

      How fun, I am inspired by people who really manage to produce much of their own food! We live in the middle of Seattle so just have a small garden, a few chooks (that’s a nod to your Kiwi heritage) :) and some fruit trees. I hope you’ll like this new way to enjoy all those eggs you’re getting!

  2. Lauren B.

    This is so cool! I’ve actually never tried coddling an egg at home, but this seems like the perfect method. I’ll definitely need to try this soon! I also love your perspective on Seattle weather. :)

  3. Storybook

    Oh I should’ve logged on before I cooked breakfast! The toads-in-a-hole breakfast pales in comparison to your coddled eggs. Delicious!


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